Tuesday 16 July 2019

Process to convert C/AL to AL Programming

Basic Steps to be followed to convert C/AL programming to AL Programming:
  • Starting Point: Deltas of your app, in previous NAV Version
  • Apply those Deltas to NAV 2018
  • Export objects in New Syntax
  • Create ‘New Syntax’ Deltas
  • Convert Deltas to AL files.
  • Create your own Developer Preview VM
  • http://aka.ms/navdeveloperpreview

Editing Hacks and Keyboard shortcuts in Business Central VS Code Editor

The following table provides an overview of some of the shortcut key combinations that you can use when you are working in Visual Studio Code.
# Editing Hacks
- CTRL+k v: Open Markdown Preview (on the side)

## Navigation
- F12: Go To Definition
- ALT+Left/Right: Back/Forward
- ALT+F12: Peek Definition
- Shift+F12: find references
- CTRL+R: Open Workspace

## Editing
- ALT+Shift+Up: Copy Line(also on multiple lines)
- ALT+Up/Down: Move line up/Down
- ALT+SHIFT+left/right: Shrink/Expand selection
- CTRL+SHIFT+o: Go To Symbol in FILE
             - Group by kind by adding ':'
- same as CTRL+P and add @
- CTRL+t: Go to Symbol in Workspace
             - same as CTRL+P and add #
- CTRL+SHIFT+v: Open Markdown Preview
- CTRL+j: toggle panel
- CTRL+i: select line
- CTRL+k z: Zen mode
- ALT+SHIFT+F: Format Code
-SHIFT+Delete: Deletes a line

## Multi Cursor/selection
- ALT+Click: Adds Cursor
- SHIFT+ALT+Click: Block selection
- F2: rename Symbol
- CTRL+F2: select all instances
- CTRL+D: select next instance 

Editing, compiling and debugging shortcut keys

Click on above images to view in clear format