Business Central

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Object type-1 Tables, Types of tables and its characteristics in MS Dynamics nav 2015

There're many standard tables in MS Dynamics Nav. Understanding these standards tables in Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables developers to understand areas of the application by just a quick look at the objects (by just a glance at table name we can feel what type of  fields and records may be present inside the particular table)

Brief Description


Contains information about the primary focus subject of its functional area.


A customer is a very important information without him there’ll be no sales, marketing or any other business i. e going on.

Item(product) is also an important aspect in doing business. Without item there’s no sales, marketing or any other business.

Vendor is needed to develop any application. Ex: to run erp s/w we should‘ve Microsoft or sap or an oracle vendor.
So, when we develop product based on that it becomes an important aspect.

Contains information(optional information or expected information)  about a supplemental subject used in one or more functional areas.

These tables are not mandatory to use But, its good to use.

Department is needed to organize different domains in different sequence.
An employee can belong to sales department or manufacturing department.
But his department name is optional to address his information. So, it comes under supplemental table.

Language: In Microsoft dynamics Nav there‘re thousands of language supported but there’s no restriction to design a product in particular language(say English). A developer can even develop a product using Arab or Spanish also. Their primary goal is to deliver a product a/c to customer and not based on language

There’s no restriction even with currency. The world wide generic objects are developed with d/f currency based on their customer whereas the country-specific developers will  modify the generic product based on their currency. Only thing that matters is they need to write some extended code based on tax.
Contains one record that holds general information about its functional area.

Ex: G/L Setup, Sales Receivable Setup

It hold only those data i.e. applicable as a whole to the company.

If u consider a sales receivable set up it includes 1 record(I mean 1 row) wherein this one row includes a main information’s about its functional area.

(Say) during sales b/w customer and company. An item is bought related to particular vendor, may a customer buys a bike from a Honda company.
Now Honda company maintains a database table called setup which includes main information’s like, when was the bike bought, customers id, date of issue, machines included in bike, country’s i.e. linked with those machines, received date, manufactured date and so on developers general information’s are stored to have a quick view of their sales settings that has been done with several customers.
A kind of table of contents for its corresponding Ledger table/tables.


GL register table includes contents of its ledger table.
(Say) for a customer ledger entry a customer called Kiran buys a product from a company and his details are stored in customer ledger entry.

This entry may include his name, contact, address, amount, date of  issue, customer id etc.

For this above customer table ledger entry a simple summary of its contents is given in Register table.

 item register table same thing applies but when a customer buys an item his item ledger entry is summarized in item register table.
Contains information which is subsidiary to either a Master table or a Supplemental table or both.

Ex: Item vendor, financial a/c book

Suppose we have a Master table which includes customer, item or a vendor.
We know for each customer there’ll be an item which the company developed using some oracle or Microsoft or sap vendors.

If a customer buys an item of specific vendor then this item vendor is considered to be in subsidiary table. There might be also other item which have bought which doesn’t belong to vendor directly but to some supplements (say) financial a/c book is used to manage the transaction of financial operations done by a company.

So, this subsidiary table contains information of these supplement table called item vendor or financial a/c book.
Contains the transactional information that is the primary focus of its functional area.


Customer ledger entry includes transactions done b/w customer and producer.

Item ledger entry includes transaction done by customers based on items.

So, in general ledger table includes information of transaction i.e. being done based on various aspects.
The primary transactional table that enables entries for a functional area.

Any transaction say new customers ledger entry or his visit or his exit. It has to be recorded as a backup before entering into ledger table.
This backup table to verify customers transaction before filling details in ledger table we use journal table.

Customer ledger entry includes entry of customers details who transacted with company. But, before entering customers info in customer ledger entry table it has to be entered in journal table and here starts the industrial standard of creating tables for different information.
The secondary transactional tables that enables entries for one/multiple functional areas at the same time. This is actually implemented as a pair table.

Sales Header / Sales Line, Finance Charge Memo Header / Finance Charge Memo Line, Reminder Header / Reminder Line are under this table.

Ex. To write into ledger table we must go through journal table as discussed earlier. These table which allow entries to functional area at once is known as document table.

Example: document table of Sales Header/ Sales line describes the header of how entries are done in primary table i.e. ledger table at once.

Document header described main info of these entries done.
Document line includes detailed information of these entries done in ledger table.
Document History
Contains the transaction history for documents that have been posted.

Sales Invoice Header / Sales Invoice Line, Issued Fin. Charge Memo Header / Issued Fin. Charge Memo Line, Issued Reminder Header / Issued Reminder Line

Whenever a document table undergoes any ledger or any other entries into its table. Soon, a corresponding table is created in Document history table. So, that if you delete the document table sometimes by mistake still you can get those table back by looking at document history table.

No modification or edition is done to this table since its just a backup of document table.

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